Plot Eight (Sold)


Plot Eight is an attractive four bedroom detached home that has been carefully designed for modern lifestyles. With a beautiful kitchen/breakfast area and a spacious sitting room, each with French doors that open out onto the garden, it is an ideal home for entertaining friends and family.

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Sitting Room4274mm x 3998mm14'0" x 13'1"Master Bedroom4503mm x 4274mm14'9" x 14'0"
Kitchen/Breakfast5152mm x 3951mm16'11" x 13'0"Bedroom Two3632mm x 3082mm11'1" x 10'1"
Dining4027mm x 3082mm13'3" x 10'1"Bedroom Three3950mm x 2539mm13'0" x 8'4"
Cloakroom2282mm x 1025mm7'6" x 3'4"Bedroom Four3950mm x 2538mm13'0" x 8'4"